Developing a tissue resource to characterize the genome of pancreatic cancer.

TitleDeveloping a tissue resource to characterize the genome of pancreatic cancer.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsVoidonikolas, G, Gingras, M-C, Hodges, S, McGuire, AL, Chen, C, Gibbs, RA, F Brunicardi, C, Fisher, WE
JournalWorld J Surg
Date Published2009 Apr
KeywordsAdenocarcinoma, Computational Biology, Confidentiality, Databases, Genetic, Genomics, Humans, Informed Consent, Organ Preservation Solutions, Pancreatic Neoplasms, Prevalence, Quality Control, Specimen Handling, Tissue Banks, United States

With recent advances in DNA sequencing technology, medicine is entering an era in which a personalized genomic approach to diagnosis and treatment of disease is feasible. However, discovering the role of altered DNA sequences in various disease states will be a challenging task. The genomic approach offers great promise for diseases, such as pancreatic cancer, in which the effect of current diagnostic and treatment modalities is disappointing. To facilitate the characterization of the genome of pancreatic cancer, high-quality and well-annotated tissue repositories are needed. This article summarizes the basic principles that guide the creation of such a repository, including sample processing and preservation techniques, sample size and composition, and collection of clinical data elements.

Alternate JournalWorld J Surg
PubMed ID19137368
PubMed Central IDPMC2925468
Grant ListR13 CA132572 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R13 CA132572-01 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States

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