A genome-wide linkage scan for diabetic retinopathy susceptibility genes in Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes from Starr County, Texas.

TitleA genome-wide linkage scan for diabetic retinopathy susceptibility genes in Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes from Starr County, Texas.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsD Hallman, M, Boerwinkle, E, Gonzalez, VH, Klein, BEK, Klein, R, Hanis, CL
Date Published2007 Apr
KeywordsAdult, Age of Onset, Body Mass Index, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, Diabetic Retinopathy, Family, Female, Genetic Predisposition to Disease, Genome, Human, Humans, Lod Score, Male, Mexican Americans, Middle Aged, Retinal Diseases, Siblings, Texas

We conducted a genome-wide linkage scan for genes contributing to retinopathy risk using 794 diabetes case subjects from 393 Mexican-American families from Starr County, Texas, having at least two diabetic siblings. The sample included 567 retinopathy case subjects comprising 282 affected sibling pairs. Retinopathy was classified as none, early nonproliferative, moderate-to-severe nonproliferative, or proliferative. Using 360 polymorphic markers (average spacing 9.4 cM), we conducted nonparametric linkage analysis followed by ordered-subset analysis (OSA) ranking families by average age of diabetes diagnosis. For any retinopathy, the highest LOD scores including all families were on chromosomes 3 (2.41 at 117 cM) and 12 (2.47 at 15.5). OSA logarithm of odds (LOD) scores >2 for any retinopathy occurred on chromosomes 12 (4.47 at 13.2 cM), 15 (3.65 at 100.6), and 20 (2.67 at 54.1). Scores >2 for either moderate-to-severe nonproliferative or proliferative retinopathy occurred on chromosomes 5 (2.53 at 11.2 cM), 6 (2.28 at 30.6), and 19 (2.21 at 100.6). Thus, unconditional linkage analysis revealed suggestive evidence of linkage with retinopathy on two chromosomes, whereas OSA revealed strong evidence of linkage on two chromosomes, and suggestive evidence on four. Candidate genes were identified in most implicated regions.

Alternate JournalDiabetes
PubMed ID17251272
Grant ListEY12386 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
HL054481 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
HL54504 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States

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