Sequence analysis in reveals pervasiveness of X-Y arms races in mammalian lineages.

TitleSequence analysis in reveals pervasiveness of X-Y arms races in mammalian lineages.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHughes, JF, Skaletsky, H, Pyntikova, T, Koutseva, N, Raudsepp, T, Brown, LG, Bellott, DW, Cho, T-J, Dugan-Rocha, S, Khan, Z, Kremitzki, C, Fronick, C, Graves-Lindsay, TA, Fulton, L, Warren, WC, Wilson, RK, Owens, E, Womack, JE, Murphy, WJ, Muzny, DM, Worley, KC, Chowdhary, BP, Gibbs, RA, Page, DC
JournalGenome Res
Date Published2020 Dec
KeywordsAnimals, Cattle, Cell Lineage, Crossing Over, Genetic, Evolution, Molecular, Female, Gene Amplification, Humans, Male, Mice, Organ Specificity, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Testis, X Chromosome, Y Chromosome

Studies of Y Chromosome evolution have focused primarily on gene decay, a consequence of suppression of crossing-over with the X Chromosome. Here, we provide evidence that suppression of X-Y crossing-over unleashed a second dynamic: selfish X-Y arms races that reshaped the sex chromosomes in mammals as different as cattle, mice, and men. Using super-resolution sequencing, we explore the Y Chromosome of (bull) and find it to be dominated by massive, lineage-specific amplification of testis-expressed gene families, making it the most gene-dense Y Chromosome sequenced to date. As in mice, an X-linked homolog of a bull Y-amplified gene has become testis-specific and amplified. This evolutionary convergence implies that lineage-specific X-Y coevolution through gene amplification, and the selfish forces underlying this phenomenon, were dominatingly powerful among diverse mammalian lineages. Together with Y gene decay, X-Y arms races molded mammalian sex chromosomes and influenced the course of mammalian evolution.

Alternate JournalGenome Res
PubMed ID33208454
PubMed Central IDPMC7706723
Grant ListR01 HG007852 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
/ HHMI / Howard Hughes Medical Institute / United States

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